
If you are more of a map person than a list person, you can use this map to find little libraries in your neighborhood. Feel free to contact me if you know about a little library that is not on the map yet!

Orange pins have an official LFL # and are on the official LFL map.
Green pins have an official LFL # but are not on the official LFL map.
Yellow pins have no official LFL # and are not on the official LFL map.

I sometimes add a pin to my map before the location has been added to the official LFL so there may be a yellow or green pin that should be green or red. I try to check the official map regularly and update my color coordinated pins accordingly but every once in a while, a few slip past me. If you see one that needs to be changed, feel free to let me know.

If you are interested in seeing the little free libraries I have visited outside of the Bay Area, be sure to check out the bonus libraries page!

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